Navigating the world of contact lenses can be daunting, given the myriad types and specifications. Our optometrists at Durham Vision Care simplify this journey for you through detailed contact lens exams and fittings. These examinations ascertain the ideal lens size, shape, and prescription tailored to your unique needs, adhering to Ontario’s optometric standards. We prioritize your eye health, providing comprehensive guidance on lens care and maintenance. Distinguish between contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions as they differ—explore our Eye Health page for more clarity.

Contact Lens Exams
Frequently Asked Questions
Are contact lens exams necessary?
Absolutely, to ensure the correct fit and prescription, promoting eye health.
How often should I have a contact lens exam?
It’s advised to have an annual exam or as your optometrist recommends.
Can I use my eyeglass prescription for contact lenses?
No, they are different and require separate evaluations.
Is the contact lens fitting covered by insurance?
Coverage varies; consult with your insurance provider or our office for details.